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Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with coconut flour crust

Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with Coconut Flour Crust

Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with coconut flour crust
I must say this is one of my favorite low carb recipe. Especially it tastes really good the next day in the refrigerator.
Also I love this recipe because you can make it in one bowl (in this case its one food processor bowl!) and its low in sugar.
I've used coconut flour to replace the carbs in the crust and the sweetener is Natvia only. 
Instead of cream cheese and cream I've used Anari Cheese which is texture wise, like a blend of cream cheese and cottage cheese. Its also very versatile as the neutral flavor allows this cheese to be used for both sweet and savory dishes.
Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with coconut flour crust
By swapping the cream cheese with Anari, not only the fat content will get lower (Anari cheese is half the amount of cream cheese's fat content!) but the protein content will go up too. Anari cheese has twice the amount of protein compared to cream cheese.
This recipe will make a one whole cake (8 inch) so what I like to do is slice it up and freeze it in portions. You can defrost it before serving or even have it as a 'frozen cheese cake! 
Hope this recipe can sort your cake craving!
(For a 21cm/8 inch round cake pan)
Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with coconut flour crust
For the Crust
3 Tbsp., flax meal
90ml, filtered water
1/4 tsp., natural salt
For the filling
2 packs, Annri cheese (908g)
90ml, fresh lemon juice (approx 1.5 ~2 lemons)
8 drops or lemon extract or lemon zest
For the Crust
  1. Heat the oven to 205°C.
  2. In a small bowl, mix the flax meal and water and set aside. Wait until it binds well like a gel.Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with coconut flour crust
  3. Fit the 'S' blade into the food processor and combine all ingredients including the flax meal and water mixture together and mix well. You should be able to bind the crust but if its too dry to do so, add a little water (1 tsp., at a time) until the crust can be mold.
  4. Pour all the crust mixture into a cake pan and use your fingrs to press down to shape the crust.
  5. Bake the crust in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes until it has a slightly gold color on it. Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with coconut flour crust
  6. Take the crust out of the oven and prepare the filing.
For the Filling
  1. Heat the oven to 160°C.
  2. In a food processor, combine all ingredients and blend well until it reaches a silky texture. It will be easier to break the cheese into 2-3 pieces before blending.Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with coconut flour crust
  3. Four the mixture onto the crust and bake int he oven for 25-30 minutes.the cake may look as if its not baked but as long as it is not pouring out of the mold when you tilt it, the cake will get solid after cooling it off in the refrigerator.Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake with coconut flour crust
  4. Allow the cake to cool off in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and serve! (But it really tastes its best the next day!)
  5. You can store this cake in the refrigerator up to 1 week. 
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